Is your business at a crossroads in terms of brand identity and focus? A brand workshop could be the answer.
So… what on earth IS a “Branding Workshop”?
It is your key decision makers, a handful of staff and an experienced creative professional running through some tailor-made exercises designed to help you get a better understanding of your businesses core beliefs, its purpose and personality. Creating this clarity and insight gives you confidence to move your brand forward.
A creative change from the norm
An inspiring experience for everyone taking part - move the workshop away from the usual office space, create a relaxed, positive environment with drinks and snacks and provide plenty of pens, post-it notes and flip charts. Start with an ice-breaker and encourage everybody to get involved. By injecting a little bit of fun and a change of routine you will spark creativity and clear ideas.
The aim
The aim of your workshop should be to find the following:
- brand purpose
- brand vision
- brand mission
- brand values
- brand personality
- target audience
Credit: Jake Knapp, GV Library |
Brand Focus
There’s a whole host of exercises that will help develop and refine your brand ethos. By the end of the session (which can vary in length) the creative professionals will have all the information they need to put together a useful brand positioning document. Coupled with brand guidelines you will have a one-stop-shop for all your all important brand visuals, colours, fonts, ethos, missions and tone of voice.
Quick Example Exercise: Establishing Brand Vision
10 years from today, your company is all over social media for doing or achieving something inspired or simply brilliant!
Everyone writes 3 promotional twitter posts – summarising the achievement. The team discuss, suggest alternatives and evolve the best ones into a vision statement.
For example:
BBC - to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.
Google - Organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
More Information
If you'd like to organise a brand workshop for your business chat to Suze Moore our creative director. Or have you done the vision / values stage and need help producing a brand identity and brand guidelines? We're always full of good ideas - call us on 0370 334 1598 or email
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